[album cover art] Adrian Lane – Vignettes



release date:

1First Light1:43
2On Many Solemn Nights2:18
3Open Road Stepping Stones2:30
4For That Brief Moment1:12
5Building Blocks as the Snow Heaps Up1:47
6I Hung the Moon on Various Branches2:12
7Like a Letter Read Many Times2:20
8I'm Seeing the Blue Sea1:54
9On New Years Day a Pale Blue Sky1:29
10Under Piled Up Snow1:58
11Everywhere Spring Rain2:36
12The Field Path3:33
13The Bracing East Wind2:18
14Inhaling and Exhaling2:12
15My Footsteps on the Field Where Evening Has Died Out1:44
16An Engraved Offering3:39
17All Forests Paths3:28
18In the Light of Torches4:08